Northwester Destroys Several Villages of Falakata Gram Panchayat

By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Falakata, 4th May, 2017: A devastating Northwester rocked Falakata today and left a trail of destruction within minutes of its presence in the region. The affected villages of Falakata Gram Panchayat are Central Deogaon, West Deogaon, North Deogaon, South Deogaon and East Deogaon. During the storm thunder, hailstorm and high-speed winds rocked the area leading to the destruction of mud and thatched houses.
Many crop fields were also destroyed and also left people severely injured. Among the injured were Razia Khatun (50), Amirunnessa (45) from the area. They were taken to the Birpara State General Hospital for treatment. Several acres of crop fields of Jute, corn, vegetables were destroyed. The farmers are thus in a helpless condition. Many trees were uprooted. Overall it can be roughly estimated that properties of several lakhs of rupees were destroyed.
Photos: Hosni Firdaus (TNI)